Wednesday, April 29, 2009

"Dress Up" Scriptures - A Fun Scripture Activity For Sunday School

Playing "dress up" was my number one favorite thing to do when I was a kid. Maybe that's why I love props and costumes so much today. Well, the Bible is full of great costumes. You just have to know where to look.

For this fun activity, you will need a willing participant to be the model - maybe Mom or Dad or Teacher or some child who is willing to be a good sport. You will want to gather all of the items listed below that correspond with each Scripture. Place all these items in a bucket or pile. Now, let the children take turns picking a Scripture reference. They will then read it from the Bible and will then have to decide what prop or costume best signifies the verse. Once they decide, they then proceed to place the item on the model. Eventually, once the model is wearing all the props, he or she should look pretty goofy. May I remind you this would be a perfect moment for a picture.

Here is your list of props and Scripture references:

Psalm 119:18 speaks of the eyes, so use glasses for the prop.

Matthew 11:15 speaks of the ears, so use earrings or earmuffs for the prop.

Genesis 2:7 speaks of the nose, so use a clown's nose for the prop.

Matthew 10:30 speaks of the hair, so use a wig for the prop.

Psalm 24:4 speaks of the hands, so use gloves for the prop.

Genesis 32:32 speaks of the hips, so use an apron, skirt or shorts for the prop.

Isaiah 52:7 speaks of the feet, so use clown shoes or other big shoes for the prop.

Proverbs 6:20-21 speaks of the neck, so use a scarf or necktie for the prop.

Daniel 6:10 speaks of the knees, so use knee pads for the prop.

Of course, if you haven't already guessed, this whole idea is based on the truth that God cares about every part of our body. Can you find other Scripture that showcase our body parts? By the way, you could do this activity as a competition. You'll just need to get 2 of everything and separate your kids into 2 teams. The first team to find all the Scriptures with all the correct props placed upon their model is the winner!

If you liked this Sunday School/Homeschooling idea, then sign up to receive Scripture Lady's Free Email Newsletter packed full with creative ideas and receive 6 FREE Bible Review Games to help get the kids you minister to excited about the Bible!

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Kathy Vincent is the director of a performing ministry for children called The Scripture Lady and has been traveling around Southern California for the past 13 years ministering to preschoolers and elementary aged children with the Word of God through musical, thematic presentations.

She is also a regular seminar speaker, author/creator of over 30 products for the Christian children's worker and a veteran homeschooling mom of two.

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